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Retro Terrain Paint
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Author:  1j01 [ Thu Dec 20, 2012 5:21 am ]
Post subject:  Retro Terrain Paint

I started creation of a somewhat generative, somewhat paint-like program to create or at least aid in the creation of Cortex Command worlds.

Features it has already:
    Use textures from Base.rte, show materials with <M>
    CC style radial menu (Pretty!)
    CC style console via "`", language: GML
    Primitive paint tool (one size doesn't fit all)
    Export to CC: generate a .rte mod containing the map *
Features it lacks:
    *Save with CC Palette!!!!!
    Decent world generation (currently just a few heightmaps)

My computer crashed. Like, really crashed, full system restore nessesary. Luckily, I'd backed up (for the first time!) everything just 2 (!) days before. My Gamemaker license "uses the old system". What? It's too old that I don't own it anymore? That's not fair! :bs:

At any rate, I can't work on this anymore.
If anyone would like to pick up the project, that would be awesome!
If anyone would like to compile what's there so far, that would be awesome!
However, Gamemaker Pro (or "Standard", now) is required to run or compile it.

I don't know much about licensing. I'll give a download link later.

Author:  TheLastBanana [ Thu Dec 20, 2012 8:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Retro Terrain Paint

Aw, that's too bad. Sounds like an interesting project. Have you tried contacting Game Maker's support? They've been helpful to me in the past, though that was years ago.

Author:  1j01 [ Thu Dec 20, 2012 10:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gamemaker


I got gamemaker again, but :studio is utterly incompatible. It imported... but the window can't be resized anymore, the gml console can't execute gml. Many functions don't exist anymore. It's sandboxed now, so I can't load textures from Cortex Command, and after converting them to pngs, including them and loading them, I can't get their texture id; the background_exists but (background_get_texid*()==-1)! *function name approximate.
The radial menu is drawn behind everything for some reason. Not to mention all the errors, all kinds of errors, so many errors!

The mouse_set() functions are now relative to the window's border? That's weird. Hack.
I've gotten everything working except for the textures, resizing the window, exporting, importing, other important things, sound, and stuff. I only had to remove the console, the launch cc button, fullscreen, and something else...


I'm only going to upload the .gmk (gm81?) if someone wants it.

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