Data Realms Fan Forums

How do I use Cortex Command on two computers?
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Author:  Kelas [ Thu Jan 08, 2009 6:27 am ]
Post subject:  How do I use Cortex Command on two computers?

If you have a legit license key, you know that each copy of Cortex Command must be registered and activated separately.

In order to play Cortex Command on more than one machine (separately, not at the same time), you need to unregister the game before quitting out of it. The game uses a master server to check if a key is registered. In order to use the key in multiple places (ie, school, work, home), you must unregister.

If you forgot to unregister before leaving a machine, you can use the Self-Reset Tool provided by the Licensing Department.

Your key is valid on both Windows and OS X computers, provided the key is not associated with another machine.

Author:  TheLastBanana [ Fri Jan 09, 2009 1:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How do I use Cortex Command on two computers?

Alternatively, put this into your Cortex Command folder and use it to launch the game instead of Cortex Command.exe.

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